Month: July 2023

Week 9

Corporate conflict management on social media - Journal of Marketing  Management

Open dialogues about media literacy and factual information can sometimes create conflict because there are different opinions.

Many people disagree about the use of technology, and they would likely have their own preferences for media.

This is because media has become so diverse and it serves a number of functions. The large number of users would eventually result in disagreements.

Factual information sometimes may also be taken the wrong way, because sometimes people don’t like to be told factual information.

There may be a feeling that being told factual information is a sign of ignorance, or that the user has not kept up with common knowledge.

This would require some mediation to ensure that disagreements are productive and focused on addressing the shortcomings of the interaction. This will ensure that there is a large opportunity from the dialogue that has occured.

The benefit of having PLN that values media literacy would likely help contribute to a more diverse platform that takes into account of individual differences.

This PLN would have the essential components that help make it appealing to a larger number of people.

Week 8

Social Media as a Public Relations Tool

When using social media with a particular audience, it’s important to consider to their needs and perspective. This will help you cater the content that you are posting to these social media channels.

However, there are some risks with engaging with a public audience in a media space.

This is because interacting in a public space invites scrutiny and feedback from others. Given the open nature of social media, anyone is allowed to participate in commenting and sharing.

This means that whatever is posted to a public space can be referenced by others, so it will be important to consider what is being posted.

For a public figure or a person in a position of trust, they have to be very mindful of what they are posting. This is because their words will be taken at arm’s length and can inform the beliefs of others.

For example, a teacher’s opinion will likely be referenced by their students. If these opinions are negative, then it’s likely that these students will adopt these negative outlooks as well.

To address negative replies and critiques, an user can simply choose not to reply to these replies. Social media platform have numerous options to censor these opinions, which can negatively impact the user’s image.

Week 7

What is a sense of belonging? What do “organizations that make employees  want to keep working” value? | Goalous Blog

A diverse and inclusive PLN in social media can help individuals participate in social media when they might normally not have.

This is because social media allows for community building and allows like-minded individuals to come together to share their interests.

The messaging that is shared amongst these communities would likely resonated with the members of the community. This is they would likely want to see similar changes or messages being discussed.

A diverse and inclusive PLN would ensure that a number of different things are being discussed. This would advance knowledge on a variety of topics in order to promote equality and discussion.

These PLN would help people feel included regardless of the kinds of issues they have. As communities form, people can feel a sense of belonging.

If you have something that you wish to discuss with others, it’s important that you are able to do so without being criticized.

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